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my dad of the week: unknown (but he can whip and nae-nae)

Oh my god I wish I knew the name of this dad, partly because I feel he deserves to have his name credited in bold glittery writing and party because I would happily scroll through every profile on Facebook and every page in the phone directory just so I could find our where he lives, doorstop him, drag him to a bar, buy him a beer and dance with the dude.

There are two reasons why I love this video:

Reason A) I am a dad-dancer myself, albeit less in the traditional sense of boring and embarrassing and more in the modern sense of enthusiastically embarrassing. When the music starts, my body no longer belongs to me - it belongs to the music - and my mind forgets that i am not actually Shakira. To put it another way; I was recently told that I have what it takes to be a cage-dancer at the third best gay club in Grimsby. A slight backhander, but I'll take it.

Reason B) This unknown Dad can dance. I don't know who Silento is, or what a whip and a nae-nae does, but this daddy-o puts it down. He can twerk (bum dancing) like a lady Jamaican on heat, and he can stanky leg (I don't know what that is) better than his daughters. the guy is so good that he has made me want to wish my Phoebe's life away. I just wanna video-bomb her so bad now; more than I want to eat cheese toasties, and I always want to eat cheese toasties.

So without further ado, here is my dad of the week.

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